When you can't be there...

When you can't be there...

If you're anything like me, you have an incredible connection with your dogs. When you're out of town, you want to make sure they're with someone who will love them just as much as you do. That's why I started K-Nine Bungalow in Houma, to give pet owners peace of mind while they're on extended trips away from them. So, leave them in good hands and enjoy yourself.


Print and complete to bring to your Meet and Greet visit.

Client Information
Please print

Client name(s): ________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________

Home phone #:   (____)__________________________________________

Work phone #(s): (____)_________________________________________

Cell phone #(s): (____)___________________________________________

Email address(es): ______________________________________________

Emergency contact name and #: ____________________________________

How did you learn about K-Nine Bungalow Pet Sitting?


Preferred veterinary office name: ___________________________________

Preferred veterinary office address: _________________________________

Preferred veterinary office phone #: _________________________________

Please detail any veterinary preferences or limits: _______________________

Additional information your pet sitter should know:_____________


Would you like to be contacted with updates about your pet(s) while you are away? YES / NO

*If YES, indicate the method (phone, email, text message) and how often you should be contacted:


Additional notes:

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